UX image Image source: https://flic.kr/p/9JMoL5

User research

Research is a vital part of user-centred design and forms a solid basis for all sorts of projects. We use  quantitative and qualitative methods, such as surveys and interviews, to discover the needs, goals, motivations and preferences of your users.


Personas are the distillation of user research, turning facts and figures into realistic stories that focus design thinking and remind teams how their work affects real people.

Information architecture

A well-designed Information Architecture is the backbone of any large site, structuring your information so that users can find relevant content quickly and intuitively. We build on user research with techniques like card sorting and search log analysis to determine how users think about and describe your content. The end result is a logical site structure with clear navigation.

Interaction design

Through wireframing we can work out what will appear and what actions a user can take on each screen, so that the experience is smooth and intuitive. Wireframes could be as simple as a hand sketch or a fully interactive prototype. Detailed annotation can serve as a functional specification for a development team, if required.

User testing

‘You are not your user’, as the saying goes; and one thing we can predict about how someone uses your system is that it will surprise you. Beyond just identifying usability problems, testing also uncovers users’ expectations and emotions as they interact with the system, leading to vital improvements and valuable insights.